How Much Does Nutrisystem For Men Cost? I’ll Tell You


Most people immediately know who nutrisystem’s spokesperson is in terms of the women’s program (Jillian Barberie.)  But not as many probably know who the men’s spokesperson is.  The company has had some pretty famous men on this diet, (like Dan Marino, Don Shula, Joey Fatone, Chris Berman, and Jason Taylor), but most people don’t put the name and the product together in the way that they might for Jillian.  This sort of makes sense because most would assume that more women than men are researching diet programs.  But, I actually get a lot of emails from men wanting more information on this diet.  One of the most common subject matters is the cost of some of men’s programs, which I’ll go over below.

Cost Of Nutrisystem’s Men’s Basic Plan: The basic plan is the most popular.  This one has you eating five times per day (three meals, one snack, and one dessert) and the foods are chosen from some of the most popular items.  (You can hand pick your foods for no additional cost by using the “custom menu” option.

The price of this plan is going to depend on whether you are going month to month or if you chose auto delivery (where they automatically send your food when your last order is about to run out.)  Month to month runs about $366 plus shipping (which runs about $15.)  The auto delivery version of this runs about $329 with free shipping. This is about $90 per week and $82 per week, respectively.

Price Of The Nutrisystem Men’s Silver And Vegetarian Plans: The silver plan (for more mature folks) and the vegetarian plans (meatless foods) is a bit cheaper.  They run $299 for auto delivery without shipping costs (because they don’t charge for it on auto ship) and $333 plus shipping if you are going from month to month. This works out to be about $74 per week and $83 per week, respectively.

The Men’s Flex Program (The Cheapest Nutrisystem Option):  The cheapest program within this diet is the flex plan.  This is a “part time” diet where you take any two days of per week.  And, this one cost less than the others.  However, the reason for this is because you are getting less food since you’re taking eight days out of the month off.  So, instead of needing five meals per day for the entire month, you’ll need five meals per day for only about twenty days per month.  The food is not any different with this option.  You’re getting the same option and choices and the same portion amounts. 

Within the flex plan, men have two options, regular and silver. The silver is really for men over 60.  The cost for the regular men’s flex plan is $259 per month (or about $65 per week.)  If you’re going with the silver, it’s $234 per month (or about $58 per week.)

Coupons: One good thing about this company is that they almost always offer coupons to discounts if you are purchasing a package (rather than buying your foods a la carte.)  So, make sure you take advantage of these incentives which include things like $50 – $100 off or up to 3 weeks of free food. You should also know that there’s no membership or sign up fees with this diet.  You only have to pay for your food and then you get all of the resources, videos, and counseling for free.  

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