Overcoming Pittakionophobia, Fear of Stickers, With Hypnotherapy
Sticker fear is a powerful phobia that affects many people throughout the world
Like all phobias, it is essentially an anxiety disorder.
Simply put, those with this particular phobia experience varying degrees of anxiety when faced with stickers or sticky labels – whether those stickers are on fruit such as apples, bananas or kiwis, on plastic items, household appliances or on clothing, it makes little difference.
This phobia can make even the most courageous person shiver with fear.
Perhaps the main reason that this particular phobia is so little acknowledged is because individuals suffering from this irrational fear have often developed a sense of abnormality or shame, wrongly believing that only they have this particular issue.
Because of this, those who are afraid of stickers or of sticky labels often feel foolish, becoming reluctant to talk about it to others and so it remains largely hidden.
Indeed, in my clinical practice I have treated only two people for this particular phobia. Both were clients who had been successfully treated for other conditions and who mentioned, almost in passing, that they also suffered from the fear of stickers.
Once uncovered, however, it is a fairly simple procedure to permanently remove the fear and phobia.
The real problem, of course, is that most of those suffering from this debilitating phobia simply do not know that effective treatment is available. Symptoms of a sticker phobia are similar to those of other phobias: increased heart rate, palpitations, dry mouth, shortness of breath and even feelings of dizziness or nausea when exposed to the rationally benign stimulus of stickers or sticky labels.
So hidden is this phobia that currently there appears to be no commonly accepted name for the fear of stickers or of sticky labels. It simply does not currently appear on any phobia list.
However, I have coined a neologism – or new word – for this phobia, based on proper linguistic rules, which I offer here.
The word ‘phobia’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘fear’ and the rule is that any suffix attached to it should also be of Greek origin. (Though some phobia names contain suffixes derived from Latin, this is linguistically incorrect and has been brought about simply because the doctors who coined the name of the phobia were more familiar with Latin than they were with Greek!)
The value of having a correct name for the irrational fear of stickers and of sticky labels is that those suffering from this phobia may well find real relief in discovering that there is indeed a name for their secret fear and so may feel less abnormal and unique.
Having a correct name for any condition that disturbs us is a major step forward in becoming empowered to seek proper treatment for it.
The name I offer is ‘pittakionophobia’.
Initially, this may seem like a bit of a mouthful, but it really isn’t. It is simply pronounced: pit-ak-ion-ophobia.
‘Pittakion’ is the Greek word for label or ticket (in Latin it’s ‘pittacium’) and so, combined with ‘phobia’ pittakionophobia is the irrational fear of stickers or of labels.
Causes of Pittakionophobia – Fear of Stickers
The actual causes of pittakionophobia almost always lie in the individual’s past.
Because of a previous experience, the person’s subconscious has connected stickers or sticky labels with anxiety and danger.
Most often, this has happened in childhood or in the early years of adolescence, though in some cases it may have occurred later in life.
Such an experience may have happened directly, as a result of a traumatic experience involving a sticker – having one stuck to some part of the body, for example – or even indirectly as a result of another person’s fearful experience that was observed by the person who would then go on to develop the phobia. Treatment of Sticker Phobia
The good news is that real and effective relief is available.
Working with a well experienced and expertly trained advanced transformational hypnotherapist, it is possible to reach back and uncover the origin of this phobia.
Once this is accomplished, we can simply neutralize the incorrect belief that has been installed in the subconscious that stickers or sticky labels mean danger and that it needs to trigger anxiety.
In its place we can establish feelings of calm and relaxation when encountering or thinking about stickers or sticky labels, completely eliminating pittakionophobia.
The simple fact is that you were not born with this phobia and you do not have to continue to live your life around this fear.
If you – or someone you care about – are afraid of stickers; if you suffer from the fear of stickers or are afraid of sticky labels then there really is something you can do about it.
With the expert use of advanced hypnotherapy you can be freed from the terrible fear of stickers – pittakionophobia – and stop being afraid of stickers for good.
Consult with a fully trained professional advanced transformational hypnotherapist who has experience in dealing with this and other phobias and begin the liberating process of freeing yourself from the unnecessary fear of stickers or the fear of sticky labels – pittakionophobia – now.
You can say goodbye to your sticker phobia rapidly and easily – and you will be tremendously pleased that you did!