While dyslexia is commonly associated with learning difficulties it can deal with much more than just having trouble reading and writing. Dyslexia usually becomes noticeable when your child starts school and they start learning to read and write, but there are some other factors/symptoms you can be on the look out for if you’re concerned that either you or your child might be dyslexic.

Dyslexia is genetic so if you or your parents are dyslexic chances are your children might be too and while it will always be a part of your (or their) life if diagnosed can be easily remedied with correct teaching methods, support from teachers and family and some adjustment in their learning methods.

Unfortunately there is still the common misconception that people who are dyslexic have a below average intelligence, this is far from the truth; as many have an average if not higher intelligence level, often it’s just a matter of the child or adult learning a new way of understanding what might be a common problem for others.

There is no one dominating factor to determine if you or your child is dyslexic, some show some certain tendencies while others suffer other problems. While the list below is in no way a complete guide, if you’re concerned you or your child might be dyslexic it will show some characteristics to be on the look out for. If you recognise some of these signs in either yourself or your children it is important that you arrange for professional testing as there are many different problems and treatments associated with dyslexia.

Some common signs of Dyslexia

Spelling phonetically.

Transposing of letters or numbers or letter/number reversal (d for b or 6 for 9).

Often leave out or add in words when reading.

Have trouble determining left and right.

When your child is dressing they may regularly put clothes on backwards or inside out.

Have trouble with sequences.

Often are clumsy or uncoordinated.

May have a short term memory problem but an above average long term memory.

Often are very good at hands on jobs or school work.

Tend to have trouble staying on task (easily distracted) and managing time or have difficulty organising things.

Handwriting can often seem rushed.

These are just a few of the more common symptoms, though they are not always indicative of dyslexia.

If you discover that you (or your child) are dyslexic always remember there is plenty of help available. Speak to a trained professional who may offer many different techniques, from coloured glasses to alternative approaches to learning, to help overcome any learning difficulties you may have. Even as an adult it’s never too late to start.

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